Write a 2 Year Roadmap

Always create a 2 year roadmap of any project you are working on.  If it is worth your time, it’s worth you being strategic about it/ I agree that a 6-24 month action plan or roadmap is important.  It keeps high potential leaders focused on the ultimate goal and...
Keeping It Simple

Keeping It Simple

When faced with the choice between simple and complex, always go for the simplest option. Most high potential leaders are super-smart in their function or industry and speak to others in complicated jargon.  Sometimes they don’t even notice their audience’s eyes have...

Doing the Unthinkable: The Washington Post

So many times I speak about using differentiated thinking to solve major issues.  I was intrigued by the current real life example of how The Washington Post, a renowned, 80 year old newspaper institution, came to the decision that the right strategic move to save...
Be Surprising

Be Surprising

To avoid being taking for granted, periodically surprise people! I constantly mentor high potential leaders to “stay remarkable”, meaning, give people a reason to talk about you.  Something you did or something you didn’t do that provided value and/or led to a unique...
The How vs The What

The How vs The What

Don’t get stuck arguing over how something should get done.  Get the ‘what’ right first.  Stay focused on the goals and stay flexible on your approach. High potential leaders should be given the room to creatively solve challenges.  One of the things that un-motivates...