In the vast landscape of careers, there are moments when our hearts ignite with an unwavering desire to secure our dream job. During these exhilarating times, we yearn for an equal opportunity for all, where qualifications alone can unlock doors. Alas, reality whispers a different tale—one where navigating the intricate maze of the applicant-tracking system becomes crucial in propelling our resumes forward.
Josef Stetter is a corporate culturist and resume whisperer extraordinaire who shares invaluable insights on navigating the challenging world of job searching and career advancement. If you’ve ever felt the frustration of trying to land your dream job and wished you knew the secrets to make your resume stand out, Josef is here to help. With over 11,000 professionals successfully placed in their ideal roles and an impressive 90% success rate, Josef is a true expert in his field.
During this episode, Josef will reveal the tricks and strategies to help you get your resume past those pesky applicant-tracking system screenings and elevate your candidacy to the top of recruiters’ piles. But that’s not all – he will also share his insights on impressing the final decision-makers and increasing your chances of securing that dream job!

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Rather view our video podcast?

- What strategies can you employ to beat the applicant tracking system?
- How can you navigate the ever-changing job search landscape, avoiding common traps?
- How can you obtain feedback on your resume?
- What are the key steps to successfully interview for a job?
- What are effective ways to quantify your work?
- Why is leading with intrapreneurship important?
“The biggest and worst mistake anyone can make is spending most of their time on Indeed.”
[03:54] Unconventional Journeys: From Career Hopping to Dream Job Guru
[06:13] Navigating the Job Search Maze: Trends, Traps, and Triumphs
[14:36] Unleashing the Power of Differentiation: How to Stand Out and Land Your Dream Job
[18:37] Josefs entry into the LATTOYG Playbook
[24:31] Unlocking Your Job Market Success: A Comprehensive Program for All Job Seekers
[30:15] Signature Segment: Josef’s LATTOYG Tactics of Choice
[34:20] Signature Segment: Karan’s Take

Josef Stetter is a highly accomplished Recruiter/Headhunter Extraordinaire with a remarkable track record of working with clients ranging from small local businesses to global corporations. With an impressive reputation as “The Dream Job Whisperer,” Josef has established himself as a renowned Job Market Advisor, Resume Writer, Radio Show Host, and People Connector. He has successfully helped over 11,000 individuals land their dream jobs through his extensive knowledge of the job market and his innate ability to identify the right opportunities for his clients.
Having personally experienced career transitions nine times and held various roles throughout his professional journey, Josef understands the frustrations and challenges faced by individuals seeking to prove their transferable skills. This deep understanding allows him to empathize with job seekers and provide tailored guidance and support.
With over two decades of experience as a career coach and job market advisor, Josef has authored multiple books on the subject matter. He has assisted thousands of individuals in securing their desired positions. He remains committed to empowering job seekers by equipping them with valuable resources and tools to navigate the ever-evolving job market.
In addition to his expertise in helping individuals land their dream jobs, Josef is also a Corporate Culturist. He has leveraged his insights and knowledge to assist numerous large and small companies in enhancing their work culture, improving performance, and maximizing overall efficiencies.
With a comprehensive understanding of the job market, a passion for connecting people to their purpose, and a proven track record of success, Josef Stetter is a trusted advisor for job seekers and organizations seeking to optimize their workforce and culture.
Article: Harvard Business Review: How to Land Your Dream Job in 10 Steps
- Overview: The Lead at the Top of Your Game Leadership Development Experience

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This podcast episode is sponsored by Shockingly Different Leadership, the leader in on-demand People, Talent Development & Organizational Effectiveness professional services, all designed to up-level leader capability and optimize workforces to do their best work.

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Episode 38 | Little Known Secrets to Landing Your Dream Job with Josef Stetter
Josef Stetter 00:00
The majority of jobs in North America are hired based on the feel on I trust this person I like this person, there’s something about this person is different. So if you paint a picture of here’s the results that I produce. The only thing that should be left at the end of the interview is, Do I like you or not? Rather than Can you do the job or not?
Voiceover 00:25
Welcome to the “Lead at the Top of Your Game” podcast, where we equip you to more effectively lead your seat at any employer, business, or industry in which you choose to play. Each week, we help you sharpen your leadership acumen by cracking open the playbooks of dynamic leaders who are doing big things in their professional endeavors. And now, your host, leadership tactics, and organizational development expert, Karan Ferrell-Rhodes.
Karan Rhodes 01:00
Hey there superstars thanks for joining another episode designed to help you to better lead at the top of your game. You know, we all have times in our careers when we’re passionate about landing our dream job. And while I wish there was a level playing field for all of those who have the qualifications, to be honest, in reality, it’s not. There are tricks to know about getting your resume past the applicant tracking system screenings. There’s also tricks to know how to bump up your candidacy to the top of the recruiters pile. And I must say they’re also tricks to increase the probability of you wowing the final decision maker. So, if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, please don’t. Because help is on the way. Today’s guest is yes, if center. He’s a corporate culturist and resume whisperer. He has personally helped over 11,000 professionals find a job that they love. And he has a 90% success rate. This episode is chock full of tips. So get the notepad out on your phone or laptop because you’re going to be taking a ton of notes, and particularly listen to his five cardinal sins of a resume. I must admit, I was guilty of a sin or two to myself. But that’s me. But there’s a ton of more hope for you. Now be sure to stay tuned for just two minutes after the episode to listen to my closing segment, called Karan’s Take wire share tip on how to use insights from today’s episode to further sharpen your leadership acumen. And now enjoy the show. Hey there, superstars, this is Karan and welcome to another episode of the elite at the top of your game podcast. I am super pleased to have a fantastic guest for you for this episode. And it’s quite timely because as of this particular date, there’s a lot going on in the business world regarding layoffs, transitions, mergers and acquisitions, you name it. So there are a lot of you all that are employed that are currently in flux. And because of that, our guest today will hopefully give us a couple of insights on how to think about our job searches or our best next steps in the workforce. So I’m pleased to introduce Joseph Stetter. You can find him at But he is a renowned corporate culture is and what I love the second title, a resume whisperer. So welcome, Joseph, to the episode.
Josef Stetter 03:33
Thank you very much for having me. Come on. It’s a pleasure.
Karan Rhodes 03:35
Awesome. So I as I mentioned, I’m super excited about a few tips and stories that you’re going to share about what you’re currently seeing and trends and past experiences. But before we dive deep into that, as much as you feel comfortable, would you mind sharing just a tad about your personal life?
Josef Stetter 03:54
Yeah. So I mean, I’ll start with how I kind of became on this path or start on this path. So starting with coming from, you know, parents, like get an education get a good job. I didn’t really know what I want to do when I grew up. So I switched careers, nine times and jobs about 18 times. And not only did I switch careers, but I switched industries in between along the lines, I kind of realized, you know, I either got bored very fast when I became like the top salesperson in the company or achieved certain plateaus. I was like, what’s next? So I either personally chose to get fired or quit because I was like, Okay, I’m not challenged anymore. And that kind of led me to the path where I was working in private colleges and I noticed that the career services there were just awful. That’s the only word I can use. And the reason being is it’s a job for somebody that just kind of was given a basic manual regurgitate, let’s say, elements of what color’s your parachute, but not really having any idea insight. And as part of trying to secure my job, I kind of created a manual on how to do this and I’ve also created a manual for an American company called Alamo associates, I helped rewrite their career service manual that they’ve been using for 40 years. My vP was very intimidated that I could think for myself and kind of threw me under the bus. And so I went and published the book. And I’ve also been in recruiting for nearly 20 years I’ve recruited for companies like Deloitte and Touche, Apex Pharmaceutical type of consulting services. And along the lines of my own self development and growth, I kind of let’s say, I did the walk of fire with Tony Robbins. And when I was doing some of the exercises, like, How come nobody is teaching this for job finding, like there’s such important lessons here. But no one’s doing that. So I’ve had the honor and the pleasure of helping over 11,000 people land their dream job now in as little as two days. And a lot it is because I focus on the mistakes that people make, versus, you know, what everybody already knows kind of thing.
Karan Rhodes 05:59
Right? Right.
Josef Stetter 06:00
So that was my path.
Karan Rhodes 06:02
Oh, my gosh, that’s an amazing path. And I know it varies by the individual. But what are some of the more common trends and mistakes that you see job seekers making?
Josef Stetter 06:13
So off the bat, the biggest and worst mistake that anyone can make is spending most of their time on Indeed, one job posting on indeed gets between 350 and 5000 applicants, most companies look at the first 100. So if you’re 101, and you don’t know the simple tricks to get noticed, your get lost in the shuffle. So one of the simple tricks is most jobs in North America will say Don’t call us we’ll call you, right, call HR and say, Listen, my battery on my laptop just died. Can you check that my application went through, or my internet’s been wonky all day, or I never got a confirmation, can you check them application went through the moment that HR checks if the application went through, you’re number one on the list right now,
Karan Rhodes 06:59
Cuz you got extra eyeballs. Now I gotta say tho Josef, as a previous HR executive, it’d be tough to get to me and I would be a little bit aggravated. But you’re right, maybe for the recruiters, it would be so bad.
Josef Stetter 07:14
Like, if you have HR Recruiter, for example, they might not get a hold of you, they need to get hold of the recruiting team, for example, right. And so the recruiting team, their job is to check that the application went through, for example, right? Similarly, if you posted your resume, let’s say in October, because you’re looking for a job, and you haven’t touched it, you’re on page 7000 of the database, nobody will see your resume. So one of the things to be aware of is that most of the big job boards, refresh their database between 11:45pm and 2:45am. Eastern Standard Time. So going to your resume, press spacebar and save anywhere in your resume, the moment that you press spacebar and save, you’ve made a change to your resume. So now the database will capture you as a new resume on the refresh, so you have a better chance of being seen by the recruiters the next day when their email comes in of newer resumes, for example. So little tricks like that makes a huge difference. On the resume itself, I will call it the five cardinal sins of a resume that I noticed most of people in North America do. Number one, they use Times New Roman Arial or Calibri as a font, because those are the default fonts in Microsoft Office. And so what happens is you get lost in the shuffle because you look exactly the same. Number two you use, you know, the black dots, hyphens or some kind of squares as your bullet points. So again, you look the same if you remember the movie Legally Blonde, when Elle Woods or Reese Witherspoon is going to apply to Harvard University, and for the intercept, she sends a pink centered resume, and everyone goes, it’s pink, and it’s scented. But they remember it, it stands out. So don’t be afraid to add a lot of personality, like a little bit of color, or a different font. Just to that, because, again, when you have hundreds of resumes, and if you’re flipping through reality is that most HR professional spend between eight and 30 seconds reading a resume. So if something in the top thirds, the top half catches your attention, they’re going to put you in the yes box without reading the resume. The third mistakes that people waste too much time and space on the resume writing that they’re hardworking, dedicated, committed team player with excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills. In 20 years of recruiting, I’ve met very few people that say, Listen, I’m lazy, I’ll show up late, none of my work of any good and I really hate people, please hire me. Not unless you’re related to somebody in the company or having an affair with them that you can kind of get away with that.
Karan Rhodes 09:44
Right, right.
Josef Stetter 09:45
And here’s the thing hard working is very subjective. So your definition of hard working in my definition of hard working could be very, very different. Right? So if I compare let’s say an accountant that works in public accounting during sack tax season, they have to work 80 hours a week. So what’s hard working 100 versus a nurse that worked at the height of the pandemic that had to do four hours of overtime because the other nurse didn’t arrive? Does that mean that the nurse is less hard working than the accountant because she’s working less hours? No, because there’s a different level of stress. So stop filling your resume with these fluffy words. The fourth mistake, and this you’re seeing, especially after the pandemic, where 65 million people lost their job in North America is a chronological or functional resume. So if you took a part time job, let’s say McDonald’s, but you’re trained as an engineer, the only thing that the employer sees is McDonald’s. So they eliminate you because you’re not in engineering, for example. And then the biggest mistake of all, and this is the one that pretty much everyone does, is that people list their duties and responsibilities. I know how to do this, I know how to do this. So I love to give these two examples. As a comparison and a reality check. Someone is applying to be a receptionist and they say, I know how to answer the phone. I hope the employer looks at them in shock and goes really a receptionist that knows how to answer the phone. We did not know that. Because unless they live in in a group a cave or choose to practice the religion of Mennonite. Most people on earth know how to press the green button go Hello, how can I help you? However, if you worked as a receptionist, and you know how to answer let’s say 60 calls a day with 12 different lines. I can measure 60 calls a day with 12 different lines. I cannot measure I know how to answer the phone. So if I use an example from my own career, I can tell you Karan I’m an excellent salesperson, I know how to do b2b, b2c account management, relationship building lead generation, I’ve worked in retail I’ve done door to door sale have done car sales. I’ve worked in private education, I’ve worked in recruiting, I know how to do sales, I’ve given you a lot of jargon. But I haven’t proven to you that I know how to sell. If I give you a real example and say, I work for a private college that before I came in, generate $530,000 in sales for the entire year, in one month, I generate $860,000 in sales for them. Which one would convince you that I know how to sell the first one with lots of jargon. Or the second one that gave you the results, The results that prove right, proof is in the pudding. And this is I think the biggest gap that most job seekers are experiencing is because they kind of go I know how to do all this stuff. But they don’t quantify it. They don’t justify the numbers. No company today is hiring you because they have an empty seat over here. And it looks weird that there’s an empty seat. They’re hiring you because you’re going to help their bottom line, either make money, save money, or increase efficiency,
Karan Rhodes 12:46
Because you’re taking money out of their bank account, right? For right, a certain employment contract with you providing a list of job duties and services that you’re providing. And if you’re not doing that, and making the impact on the bottom line, they’re gonna want you to look for other pastures. Right?
Josef Stetter 13:05
Right. And that’s where it’s like, look, it’s one thing to say, I know how to do this, or I know how to do this. But if you don’t quantify what you’ve done, how do you know that you’ve done it, just because you’ve used the right words, and you smiled, like, most unless, you know, you’re like a brain surgeon where nobody really cares about your personality, they only care about your technical skills as a surgeon, the majority of jobs in North America are hired based on the feel on I trust this person, I like this person, there’s something about this person, it’s different. So if you paint a picture of here’s the results that I produce. The only thing that should be left at the end of the interview is Do I like you or not? Rather than Can you do the job or not? Because if you say to me, Well, can you do reporting? And go? Yes, yes, I’ve done reports. That doesn’t tell you whether or not I can handle the report that you need me to do, for example, and even if I’ve said the right lingo, it’s not necessarily proof, either.
Karan Rhodes 14:04
That’s true. That’s true. And you know, when I talk to clients, I always encourage them, and I don’t know if you do as well, that it’s not even enough just to show results, you should also take it to the next level and show what I call the magic phrase as evidenced by meaning, not only that I showed results, but I have differentiated my results that I brought to the table, as evidenced by X, Y and Z happening, which was more than what my peers were doing. You know, do you encourage that as well?
Josef Stetter 14:36
Yeah, you always have to tie that in because at the end of the day, even yourself as an HR professional if you’re going to implement policies, it’s one thing to implement policy for a company that’s let’s say, 10 people versus implementing policy for a company that’s 1000 people, for example, because there’s different layers of the policy that would go in there’s different levels of expertise and knowledge that goes into it. So as evidenced by his depth Only there. So in the example I gave when the sales, if someone’s interviewing me for sales, their first question would be, how did you get such a result, because that’s quite a big difference. And when I can explain why I got that result, everything else should kind of fall into place that I definitely know what I’m doing. Right? Again, you have experiences where people kind of don’t think about it in that level. And so if I may share a quick kind of story about that. So I’m an avid salsa dancer, that’s my outlet to relax kind of thing. And when I first started dancing, I had a dance partner that was just starting college and there was an internship for a telecom company to work for free as a graphic designer, and she calls me up. And she’s just like, I really, really want this. I’m like, you really want it. She’s like, Yeah, I’ll do anything. I’m like, Okay, I’m like, You’re Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid wax on wax off. Don’t ask any question, you follow exactly what I tell you. I said, your job title is graphic designer, you’re not allowed to have a black and white resume, because the word graphic in design or in your job title, so we made her resume green. Instead of having the typical black dots. She had a little like dancing character that was her signature for her digital art. So we put that as her bullets. She was a barista at a coffee shop. And I wrote that her being a barista is technically graphic design, because she was drawing images on the lattes for people, for example. So if you sends the resume in two weeks go by, she calls me she like didn’t even call me You suck.
Karan Rhodes 16:36
Oh, man!
Josef Stetter 16:38
An hour later, an hour later, they called her
Karan Rhodes 16:42
Egg on her face.
Josef Stetter 16:43
They were like, the reason we didn’t call you. We received 7400 applications for 20 unpaid internships. Your resume was one of our favorites. And because we received so many applicants, we’re going to do the first interview in two days. And it’s going to be a three interview process. So she calls me back to the club again, oh, my God. Oh, my God, they called they got they got what are you? I’m like first apologize, right?
Karan Rhodes 17:13
Yes, absolutely.
Josef Stetter 17:15
I said they’re like, first thing I want you to do is go to Kinko’s, staples, granitoid, or whatever beside your house, print your best digital work on the highest quality glossy paper, even if it cost you $40 Just so that you have it ready, organize all of your work in back then there was a software called flicker, which was very popular for graphic designers and things like that. And then I taught her my seven rules, that kind of WoW, an interview and guarantee results. Two days later, she showed up for a first interview, 15 minutes into her first interview, the director looks at her and goes, I’ve been running this program for 10 years, I have never been so impressed with a candidate as I am with you. I’m not even bothering with a second and third interview you congratulations. You’re my first hire. And she got hired in two days. Basically, once they told her that they want to bring her in for an interview.
Karan Rhodes 18:06
Oh, that’s amazing, Joseph.
Josef Stetter 18:09
Thank you.
Karan Rhodes 18:10
Wow. So the program works. And that’s, and that’s what your firm teaches Correct? You have a whole system around that. But before I ask you about the system, and let you tell a little bit more about that, because I want people to go check it out. How do people beat the bots? Because usually, you know, most companies now, what scanning resumes into a technology system, right? And that’s their first screening. So how do you beat the bot?
Josef Stetter 18:36
So inside insider information, so you’re the boss or the applicant tracking system scores your resume in three ways. Number one, when was last time it was updated? Right. So as I mentioned earlier, like indeed, going, press spacebar anywhere. Number two, it measures key words. Now here’s the mistake that most people make. They write, manage, directed, liaise, coordinated, which are the actual words that we’ve been taught that we need, but they don’t write the technical words associated with the job. So if you’re an accountant, I need to see the words accountant accounting, financial statements, balance sheet, General Ledger reconciliation, those are the words that are being scored on the applicant tracking system not managed directly as communicated there unless you’re kind of applying for leadership job. Okay? Now, not only do those applicant tracking systems score, how often these words come into your resume, but they also score where they appear on your resume. So if these words are on page two of your resume, you’re not a match for the job. So the way that I beat that is I create kind of an area of expertise, which is all of the technical words that go with your job right at the top of your resume, like name and address. I don’t really believe in an objective statement because I don’t think anybody reads them anymore. And then areas of expertise, which are all the technical words. So all of a sudden there’s 30, 40 words right at the top of the resume. And then those words are repeated throughout the bullet points that I give of what I’ve done on the job. So now the system finds it quickly. And throughout the resume, you’re scoring in the 95 to 100%, matching the job description, you know, people that try to customize a resume by going, Oh, they said, I should be dynamic. Let me add the word dynamic to my resume. No, the applicant tracking system does not care about that stuff. And chances are HR is not going to notice that stuff. Because it’s buried in the minutiae of I’m hardworking, dedicated, committed team player. And, you know, I know how to do this, I know how to do this, but they kind of focused on a man, I coordinated this right. But that’s not the technical word on the job, like, you know, and this is where as a professional, like, let’s say, we’re going to use another industry like estimator, right? In construction, some people even on their LinkedIn profile, right? I’m an estimator. Okay. Are you a general contracting estimator? Are you a roofing estimator? Are you a drywall estimator? Are you, you know, there’s a different like, it’s the same math. But some companies want to know that you have specific experience, let’s say in drywall, not there. Or if you’ve done general contracting, are you bidding on, you know, $100,000 projects? Or are you building on $10 million projects?
Karan Rhodes 21:26
Big jobs. Right. Big difference.
Josef Stetter 21:30
If you don’t say that on your resume, you don’t say that on your LinkedIn, what happens is myself as a recruiter, let’s say, slash corporate culturist. If I look at your profile, it’s too generic, I don’t have time to figure out whether or not you are a good candidate. So I’m going to pass you and you might be the best candidate for the job. But unless I recognize the names of the companies that you’ve worked for, you’re kind of lost in translation.
Karan Rhodes 21:56
Yeah, that’s the worst place to be.
Josef Stetter 21:58
Right. And that’s whyI also said, like, as if you’re an HR director, or manager, I’m not calling you when I’m calling HR. I’m calling the entry level, like the core HR coordinator, the HR Recruiter, depending on the structure of the company, and I’m like, can you please check this? So it’s their job to check this and I’m not bothering them. Now, once I’m there, I have two minutes to give you my elevator pitch, it says, here’s one or two things you need to know about me right away, so that you consider me for this role. Right. And also, I call it the Jewish hutspa. Where you kind of say, Okay, well, Koran I know that you’ve mentioned, okay, you got there, when are you starting to interview for this role? So if you say to me, I’m interviewing Latina week, to go, if I don’t hear from you in a week and a half? Do I have permission to call you back to get feedback on my resume, so that I have a better chance next time? Because I’d love your expertise.
Karan Rhodes 23:00
And check in get feedback,
Josef Stetter 23:02
right? So here’s the thing, as an HR expert, when I asked for feedback, I’m not saying giving me the job. But in case in the first round, I didn’t meet the criteria, when I follow up with you, because you give me feedback, I might be able to convince you that I would be good in the second round, because I can give you an additional example, that says, maybe I didn’t write this on my resume. But I bring this to the table, for example. And we’ve lost this art of conversation. Where, right like even for retail, I teach people like, you know, I don’t coach retail, that’s not my demographic. But you know, apply in line, because that’s a default, go away, kind of response. But go there in person with your resume, speak to a manager, say I’m really enjoying working here. The manager says to you, okay, great, but we’re not hiring right now. Okay, come back a week and a half later speak to the same manager. I thought I told you we’re not hiring. Yeah. But I want to show you how serious I am about working here. No, no. Okay, come back a week and a half later, if you come back two or three times to the same manager, I guarantee you, they’ll find a position for you,
Karan Rhodes 24:06
You’re gonna stick you’re gonna stick in their mind. Yeah. And then yeah, they’re gonna be super happy,
Josef Stetter 24:11
Because they’re gonna see that you’re serious about wanting to work there, as opposed to, I just applied.
Karan Rhodes 24:15
So Joseph before we lose time here. Because Gosh, this has been so interesting. I want to make sure we give space to you tell him about your program, and how people can benefit from that those that are in the job market.
Josef Stetter 24:30
So what my program is, is it’s I’ve done the homework for people, all they have to do is make a little effort. So I’ve like the program has eight modules, broken down into let’s say, job boards, so most people know indeed, I’ve provided 350 job boards in the US and 300 in Canada. So I’ve already given you the list of where the job boards are. Then I’ve given you like there’s a section for recruiters and employment agencies I’ve given knew the top 350 in the US and the top 300 and Canada. So you don’t need to find them. They’re there, right how to interview correctly that guarantees a job. And when I say guarantees, kind of thing, I actually test this regularly I pick a profession I have zero qualifications for and go interview as that profession. So, very, very quickly, my brother was finishing his third year mechanical engineering, applied for an internship by time one of the companies responded to him, it was going to be more of a paperwork, your job and he register for his fourth year classes. So he just had to cancel the interview, I decided to go in as my brother instead of canceling the interview for him, I understand I studied economics and business. The only thing I know about cmechanical engineering is what I wrote for him on his resume. My first interview, there was 100 students from four major universities in Ontario, Canada. Within 45 minutes human resource, call me back said we love you, we need to come back for a second interview. I was like, alright, yeah, if I could take this. My second interview was with the manager of the department that I potentially work. Now I spoke the truth about my brother’s resume. My brother was in a team that designed a wheelchair for third world nations that use a tank chain. So I can go on any trerrain came second in Ontario for the best mechanical engineering project of the year. One $500, from a major bank, told the manager I study thermodynamics and quantum physics to this day, I have no idea what those are. Didn’t even leave the parking lot manager call me back said I adore you. And you’d come back for our third and final interview. out of 100 candidates, I made the final three. I was the first one at 830. In the morning, Manager over to me goes, here’s your offer. The job is yours. All you have to do as fast as mechanical engineering tests. I kind of looked at him, I looked at tests, I’ll get him well, I can’t do this test. Magilligan. He goes, I know you’re nervous. Let me help you. He solved the first two questions for me, I looked at him, I’m really sorry for wasting your time. I’m not the right candidate for this job, I guess I’m a lot more comfortable with the design than I am with the calculations, thank you for the opportunity. Manager followed me to the car and begged me to take the job, because I didn’t feel that much better than every other mechanical engineer. That was there. So I teach you this. And I foolproof that were with the exception of a few weird Google interview questions where they like to see how you react spontaneously to a random question. My system doesn’t matter if you do it left to right, right to left, up, down. And all around. I’ve basically given you the skeleton of what you need to do. And then you add the meeting and the spices based on your experience and your knowledge. But the system is guaranteed to answer 96% of interview questions there. So i teach 96%
Karan Rhodes 27:26
Yeah, and if you’re able to get 90s thing, you can probably slam the last 4%.
Josef Stetter 27:33
Well, the 4% is like questions like for example, Google used to ask people, if you were shrunk to the size of a dime, and put in a blender, how would you survive? It’s not a typical interview question. It’s more of a problem solving analytics question. So my system is not geared for that, because that’s not part of how I would answer that. But if it’s just like, tell me about this job, give me an example of this describe my systems guaranteed to work there. You know, you get salary negotiation, I teach you how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, I teach you how to network correctly, because most people don’t know what networking is and how to do it correctly. You know, there’s copies of my books, there’s resource, I’ve written 11 books on this subject.
Karan Rhodes 28:14
Is this, Josef, is this is an online program, or do they and or do you provide coaching yourself as well?
Josef Stetter 28:20
I do both. Okay, right. But it’s an online program. I’ve made it as a stupid offer right now. Right? It’s basically $700. And I guarantee results. The only way you don’t get results is if you don’t follow the program. Or you’re lazy, right. And again, I’ve had that on the flip site where people blame me for not getting a job. And I’m like, let me get this straight before you talked to me for seven months, you had one interview, you got no calls, I wrote your resume and your LinkedIn profile. And within two and a half weeks, you had interviews,
Karan Rhodes 28:54
Where’s the problem? Right?
Josef Stetter 28:56
Exactly kind of thing. So
Karan Rhodes 28:57
All right, listeners, well, we’re not lazy, are we because we want to lead at the top of our game. So for those of you that are interested, and I don’t know who wouldn’t be, we’ll definitely have links in the show notes, how to get in touch with Joseph, check out his program and system and you know it, it’ll be a great investment for you. It’ll sharpen your skills give you confidence as you get back out there into the job market.
Josef Stetter 29:21
And if I can just add my program is good for new graduates. My program is good for veterans. My program is good for people that have a criminal record but want a second chance in life. My program is good for people that are in that career transition because of everything that’s going on in the world right now. My program is good for people that are more mature, that have been working for the same company for 20 years.
Karan Rhodes 29:43
Joseph, we’re just gonna say it’s good for everybody. Okay, we got it. We got it. Thank you. Well, one last question before I let you go just as you know, I wrote a book on leadership execution and our kind of pre talk, I always ask my guests which of the leadership tactic really resonated with you. And one of the things ones that you mentioned was leading with intrapreneurship. So I wanted you to share with the audience why that was a tech that that really stuck out for you. And how have you experienced that in your career.
Josef Stetter 30:15
Because if you’re not willing to innovate, and you’re not willing to take risks, you’ll never know whether or not you can succeed. So part of leadership is not just doing your job and telling other people what needs to be done. It’s inspiring them to want to achieve more to desire to take, like, I will separate and say the difference between a leader and a manager, I’ll actually quote one of my favorite books, it’s called the radical leap by Steve Farber. And he broke down leadership into into the acronym leap, love, energy, Audacity and proof. If you cultivate love, you will generate energy, you’re inspired acity. And the proof will be in the pudding. And then he said, the difference between what he calls a leader and a radical leader is Oh, s exclamation M, better known as oshit. Moments? Oh,
Karan Rhodes 31:08
I was thinking in my mind, okay, let me put that together. Okay.
Josef Stetter 31:13
Number one, ones that really define how well you can communicate how well you can get people to do more than they expect to do. And I’ve incorporated that throughout my career where when you do the little bit extra people remember you, people will kind of trust you people will believe you know, it’s as a leader, you can’t just sit in the ivory tower and not know what the frontlines doing. You know, I love the show Undercover Boss. But I’m always amused at the end of the episode when the leaders go, Oh, my God, I should talk to the people that work here. I might get some insights on this company.
Karan Rhodes 31:47
You should have been doing that a long time ago. Right?
Josef Stetter 31:50
Because yeah, we look at an Excel spreadsheet, we go, we need to make this number better. But a lot of times leadership forget the human factor. So if I use quickly, like corporate culture, it’s a very big buzzword right now. So if my organization says we’re doing a Halloween costume party, but none of the leaders dress up, it sends a message of we really don’t care, just do whatever kind of thing. And that’s why you won’t that’s, sadly, 80 to 90% of people in North America hate their job. That’s why there’s not buy in on the leadership. Now, I don’t care if as a leader, you have meetings all day, go to Dollar Tree, spend $2 on a mask, wear the mask, spend 10 to 15 minutes shaking hands, acknowledging people that dressed up, then take your mask off, go to your meetings, but those 10 to 15 minutes is what’s going to create the difference between I trust you as a leader, and I’m following you to I’m going to do the bare minimum to get my salary.
Karan Rhodes 32:46
I love that, that well on that. And that just I think we can drop the mic because that was such insight, great insight that you gave. But I want to thank you so much, again, for the gift of your time, and all of the tremendous advice and nuggets that you have given to our audience, we definitely will have information on how to reach you in our show notes. And any last words before we close out this episode?
Josef Stetter 33:10
First of all, Karan, thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my wisdom and I hope that I have the opportunity through your audience to make an even bigger impact on people in terms of their own success and path. Because my goal is to make sure it doesn’t take you six months to a year to find a job. You’re getting hired efficiently because you understand the process you understand where or why the gaps are. And you know, your podcast is giving me an opportunity to kind of share and educate people on where or why they might not it might have worked 10 years ago, but it’s not working today
Karan Rhodes 33:47
Well, continue to share your gifts around because there’s so many in need of this does it. Thanks again and you have a wonderful evening.
Josef Stetter 33:55
You as well. Thank you for the opportunity.
Karan Rhodes 33:59
Well, I hope you enjoyed our conversation today with Josef Setter. Corporate culture is and resume whisper links to his bio his entry into our leadership playbook. And additional resources can be found in the show notes both on your favorite podcast platform of choice, and on the web at lead your game And now for Karan’s take on today’s topic of landing your dream job. If you’re looking for a new career opportunity, either within your current employer or external to the company, a huge key to your success is tied to your ability to differentiate yourself from the competition. You’re smart and talented. We all know this. But so is Bob Cheryl and Jerry and Timothy over there, all of whom have also applied for the same dream job. And as you go through the recruiting process, I encourage you to double down on leading with intellectual horsepower. Intellectual horsepower is all about using your areas of expertise to spot trends, connect the dots and identify new areas of opportunities that others miss. So think about it, your peers are going to be busy touting their past accomplishments. And while you should, too, I encourage you to augment the discussion by identifying what challenges are on the horizon for your role or within your industry, and bring those to the table. Be prepared to talk about three to five areas of focus that the hiring manager should think about addressing them the very near future. Executives are always looking for innovative thinkers and problem solvers who are agile enough to think beyond the walls of a job description, demonstrate that and mark my words, you will enjoy the fruits of your labor. If you or your team are interested in learning more about turning your skills into differentiators. Then, I encourage you to check out our signature development program called Lead at the Top of Your Game, you can find that at on the web at And please remember to subscribe to the podcast and just share with just one friend because that will help us to expand our reach into power others to lead at the top of their game. Thanks again for the gift of you listening and see you next week. And that’s our show for today. Thank you for listening to the lead at the top of your game podcast, where we help you lead your seat at any employer, business, or industry in which you choose to play. You can check out the show notes, additional episodes, and bonus resources, and also submit guest recommendations on our website at You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn by searching for the name Karan Rhodes with Karan being spelled K a r a n. And if you like the show, the greatest gift you can give would be to subscribe and leave a rating on your podcast platform of choice. This podcast has been a production of Shockingly Different Leadership, a global consultancy which helps organizations execute their people, talent development, and organizational effectiveness initiatives on an on-demand, project, or contract basis. Huge thanks to our production and editing team for a job well done. Goodbye for now.

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