Today’s episode explores how crafting clarity and defining your playground can differentiate you in a crowded marketplace, paving the way for meaningful connections and impactful leadership!

Mitchell Levy is a distinguished 2x TEDx speaker and international bestselling author renowned for his expertise in credibility and leadership. With a prolific career spanning over 20 Silicon Valley businesses and the authorship of more than 60 books, Mitchell has established himself as a Global Credibility Expert. His profound insights stem from interviews with 500 Thought Leaders, revealing universal challenges such as articulating purpose, cultivating a robust online presence, and fostering respect in professional interactions.

Mitchell’s mission is clear: to empower individuals and businesses alike, guiding them in cultivating and enhancing their credibility, anchored firmly in their core values and future aspirations!

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  1. What is the importance of credible leadership?
  2. What are the key lessons for leaders regarding respect and credibility?
  3. What is the foundation of credible leadership?
  4. When did clarity become recognized as essential in building credibility?
  5. Why is establishing trust with new teammates important in leadership?
  6. How does articulating a customer’s point of possibilities enhance credibility?

The disconnect between internal and external integrity will completely shoot your credibility in the foot.”

Mitchell Levy

Global Credibility Expert


[03:23] A Glimpse into Mitchell’s Personal Life and Passions

[05:13] Mitchell’s Journey into Credibility

[07:56] Redefining Credibility: Trust, Integrity, and Authentic Leadership in the Modern Era

[10:00] Key Lessons for Leaders on Respect and Credibility

[12:21] The Power of Vulnerability and Respect in Leadership

[14:57] Establishing Trust with New Teammates

[17:40] Extroverted Dynamics in Meetings

[18:59] The Foundation of Credible Leadership

[20:54] Clarity as the Foundation of Credibility

[24:15] Signature Segment: Mitchell’s entry into the LATTOYG Playbook: Crafting Clarity by Articulating the Customer Point of Possibilities

[28:48] Signature Segment: Mitchell‘s LATTOYG Tactics of Choices:: Leading with Strategic Decision-Making


Global Credibility Expert Mitchell Levy is a 2x TEDx speaker, an international bestselling author of over 60 books, and an executive coach at Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches. After interviewing 500 thought leaders on credibility, he published a 7-country international bestselling book, delivered a powerful TEDx on humanity, created courses, and made the Credibility Nation membership community to help those live, learn, and surround themselves with others on the credibility journey.

He’s an accomplished Entrepreneur who has created twenty businesses in Silicon Valley, including four publishing companies that have published over 750 books. He’s provided strategic consulting to hundreds of companies. He has been the chairman of the board of a NASDAQ-listed company. Mitchell has been happily married for thirty-one years and, before COVID-19, regularly spent four weeks a year in Europe with family and friends.





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Episode 85 | How to Skyrocket Your Credibility with Mitchell Levy

Mitchell Levy  00:00

So, first, let’s update the definition of credibility. Credibility is a quality which your trusted known and light. Okay, so this is really interesting in today’s world, where everyone has a camera, and everyone has a microphone, because when I say known, it’s not that they know of you, it’s that they actually know you. So as leaders of your corporation, the most important thing, and you recognize the importance of being trusted.


Voiceover  00:04

Welcome to the “Lead at the Top of Your Game” podcast, where we equip you to more effectively lead your seat at any employer, business, or industry in which you choose to play. Each week, we help you sharpen your leadership acumen by cracking open the playbooks of dynamic leaders who are doing big things in their professional endeavors. And now, your host, leadership tactics, and organizational development expert, Karan Ferrell-Rhodes.


Karan Rhodes  00:37

Welcome back to the podcast everyone. And thanks for joining another episode designed to help you better lead at the top of your game, guys, you know, for season three. Each month we’re featuring leaders who have fascinating roles in a particular profession or industry. Today’s episode is part of our special series featuring leaders who focus on an aspect of sales performance. And now enjoy the show. Hey, they’re superstars. This is Karan and welcome to today’s episode. Now, I know you know, to be a strong leader, you’ve got to really work at making sure that those that you’re trying to influence by what it is that you’re trying to sell, or how whatever it is that you’re trying to influence them on. And in order to do that, you’ve got to be highly credible. And I’m so excited to have on today’s show an expert in credibility. And you know, that’s something hard to gain sometimes. But I can’t wait to hear what our guest has to say about how you can use credibility to really boost your leadership influence. So we’re so pleased to have on today’s show, a global credibility expert Mr. Mitchell Levy, who is also a two time TEDx speaker and international best selling author of over 60 books, I’m still trying to understand where he finally found the time to write 60 books to hopefully give us a little insight on that I only have my one working on my second one, but it’s taken me forever. But he’s also an executive coach at Marshall Goldsmith, 100 coaches, amongst a lot of other achievements that we’ll have in the show notes, as well. But I can’t wait to pick his brain. And welcome to the show, Mitchell. Thank you for coming.


Mitchell Levy  02:27

Oh, it is. It’s really great to be here. Thanks for having me. And we tiny technical issues with sometimes we always have and we’re so kind and I appreciate that.


Karan Rhodes  02:39

Oh, absolutely. That’s just life it happens. Well, before we delve into what it takes to be extremely highly credible, or as much as you feel comfortable, we’d love to get a sneak peek into a little bit about your personal life or passions or hobbies.


Mitchell Levy  02:58

I’ve been in Silicon Valley for 35 years happily married for 34 have a 25 year old son. And what I do to sort of relax and calm down I still play Pokemon Go. So I’ll take a walk on playing Pokemon Go and and allow myself to really get my my brain juices either completely free, or focus on something that’s not the day to day.


Karan Rhodes  03:22

Oh, I love that. Pokeman go now I’m not a gamer, but my daughter is of it. You do whatever it takes to relax and get your recenter to do your next best thing. So congratulations on your let’s see, your marriage. And Silicon Valley is one of my favorite places as well. We’ve had the STL has had a lot of clients in Silicon Valley. It is so exciting. And to be in, although I am a little partial to Seattle, because I’ve had over 14 years at Microsoft there. But you know, air tech companies on the West Coast is I really love them. So I hear the weather is getting a little bit better in Seattle right now. So hopefully you’ll get a peek of sunshine very soon.


Mitchell Levy  04:10

That’d be nice. Well, we actually ended up having a lot of rain in soaked Valley like Seattle normally does. And it’s it’s weak at in some cases 2X normal rainfall. It’s crazy.


Karan Rhodes  04:23

That is crazy. You absolutely is. All right. Well, let’s kind of delve in Mitchell. I would love to hear first of all about your work and how you got into the whole credibility arena because that is that’s a real differentiator. I haven’t come across a lot of leaders or executives that really speak about that in depth. So can you give us a little bit background?


Mitchell Levy  04:48

Oh, absolutely. So I have done lots of varied things, including sitting on the board of a public Furman. And one of the things I had done and by the way, a way in which you In published many books is to run multiple book publishing companies. So we’ve actually published over 750 books. And what would happen, my goal is to be able to work with executives and say, Hey, let’s find a formulaic way to actually write a book that makes it efficient, easier and practical. And I would always test drive my solutions, right. So so that’s, that’s one of the things I would always do. What I love doing is, is being part of something when it gets hot. So I was at Sun Microsystems for a long time. And I left in 97, at the sort of close to the beginning of days. And I was an ecommerce consultant and management expert for a number of years during And then I kept moving on to different things I did. It’s a bunch of SEO networking groups. I started my publishing companies in 2005. That’s how overtime you get to 750. And around 2019, what happens is, if you’re paying attention to what’s happening in the world, you could see when things are changing. And what was happening is book publishing has become democratized and was a by the way, we’ll just put a stake in the ground and 2023 thought leadership has become democratized. We can come back to that. And so when something like that is happening, I sort of said to myself, Okay, I need to figure out what’s next. What do I do? And, and one day I kind of woke up and I go, credibility. What do all of the thought leaders I publish with? What do all of the executives i i work with? What do they need credibility? So I looked at the definition of credibility in the dictionary. I know that’s not right. That was right at a point in time, the definition in the dictionary today still says, the quality in which one is trust trusted. And I go, Yeah, it feels, it feels light to me. So the next day I woke up, and I thought Napoleon Hill High, he interviewed 500 millionaires, and came up with thinking Grow Rich, what if Mitchell levy interviewed 500 thought leaders on credibility? What would I what would be the title of my book? And so that’s what I did took me a year, I learned a lot. And what was fascinating as much as I learned in a year, it was deploying it the next three and a half years, I learned that much more.


Karan Rhodes  07:27

 I can bet. Yeah. And can you share some of the things that you learn?


Mitchell Levy  07:31

So, first, let’s update the definition of credibility. Credibility is a quality which your trusted known and light. Okay, so this is really interesting in today’s world, where everyone has a camera, and everyone has a microphone, because when I say known, it’s not that they know of you, it’s that they actually know you. So as leaders of your corporation, the most important thing, and you recognize the importance of being trusted. And there are, you know, there are four characteristics of trust. And you know, it’s the book or the TEDx that I did, you can get that we can go through it. But there, there are four characteristics of trust. That’s one thing. The next is when they know you, that you are a servant leader, that you have the intent and commitment to do the right thing, and that you have the internal integrity as you are right. As your employees get to know you, if there’s inconsistency with who you are versus who you say you are that lack of, or disconnect between external and internal integrity, that’s going to completely shoot your credibility in the foot. And so what did I learn a couple of things, one of the 10 values of credibility, there was only one that was listed twice. I had no idea when I actually published the results. And that was integrity. I had no idea when I published the results, why integrity was there twice, it just kept popping up that way. And so I would say under being trusted, it is your external integrity. It’s what you share with the world. Under being known, it’s your internal integrity. And by the way, I didn’t know that till until a year afterwards. The other thing I learned, is because we know the phrase know, like trust, I would always say, hey, the up the definition of credibility is know like trust because I wanted to use I hate to say this, the marketing cookie cutter word that we already understood.


Karan Rhodes  09:29

Yeah. But no, like, the end result versus the that’s interesting, right?


Mitchell Levy  09:35

Oh, I’m gonna say because I’m in interview mode, not in thinking process mode. Ish.


Karan Rhodes  09:41

Yeah, sure.


Mitchell Levy  09:43

Karan, I really love that I’m going to spend some time and energy thinking about that and I’ll get back to you to where it where it ends up.


Karan Rhodes  09:49

Yeah. Absolutely.


Mitchell Levy  09:50

Thank you for putting a sort of a pin pin in the wall and something really powerful because I believe, I just want to poke at it a little bit.


Karan Rhodes  10:00

Sure, sure.


Mitchell Levy  10:01

So let’s talk about the trust. Oh, sorry, I was gonna say trust , Know, like, it’s really interesting because the first thing that happens when people exchange with you is they have to trust you, and you get seconds. To do that trust.


Karan Rhodes  10:13



Mitchell Levy  10:14

As they get to know you a little bit more, now they get to trust you and decide to like you. And I’ll give you one last lesson for every leader. It is so simple to be liked. And this is against conventional wisdom. So there are two values of being light. Now this is really important to pay attention to. I know this sounds really simple. Respect is one of them. That means if you have a meeting, you don’t come late, because you’re the boss. And you you expect everyone to be there at your beck and call. Respect is you come early to the meeting, you come prepared to the meeting, you come with your heart. So respect is one. The other and I call it sharing credit dust. The other is sharing the ideas, thoughts and actions of others. So don’t take credit for the people who work for you stuff, give that credit to the right person. And more people want to play in your playground, if you’re actually showing up with spreading cred dust, and being able to show respect.


Karan Rhodes  11:13

Wow, that is powerful. I’m sitting here writing notes down myself around that. And what I love about especially the first one respect I didn’t think of I mean, I’m giving is what respect is, but I didn’t think about it that deeply until you just mentioned it because demonstrating or showing respect, would probably open the door to the whole know like trust dynamic, right? When a person feels valued and appreciated and respected. That would accelerate that new like trust factor. From what I’ve seen, and our research and leadership development in my way off, or am I reaching too far?


Mitchell Levy  11:56

No. Other than other than I’m gonna say trust, know, like, but yes.


Karan Rhodes  12:00

Know, like, Okay.


Mitchell Levy  12:02

Here’s what here’s a met a very simple manifestation of that. Almost every call I have I create a container of trust, almost immediately have a container trust in somewhere in even a half hour call, and I’m first meeting somebody new. Yeah. They’ll tell me something they don’t normally tell other people do that, depending on who they are. Yeah, they’ll say, oh, Michel, by the way, you realize I don’t how many people that and, and that’s when I say, Well, we have a container of trust, whatever you say is between you and I, and I appreciate you sharing. And sometimes I’ll go as far as I’m so glad you felt comfortable telling me I do believe there are other people in your in the world, you should be thinking about telling love. And it’s, you know, there’s no hidden agenda there. It’s just simply, if it’s something that really should not be kept inside, they should share it. But that came about Karen, because of the container of trust. And as they get to know me, and part of that even in a half hour scenario, I’m comfortable. Showing my vulnerability, actually not showing my vulnerability. I’m comfortable being vulnerable, right? I’m comfortable telling people where I made mistakes. And the benefit of doing that is, hey, listen, don’t do this, just because I did it. And it didn’t work. It may work for you. But let me at least share with you my lessons. So you can take that in consideration as you’re moving forward.


Karan Rhodes  13:30

And it just for my introverted individuals out there, I mean, I can just, you know, everybody can tell already on this episode, that you’re very approachable and you’re have a gift of rapport and and what have you. But for those who may not be as comfortable or as assertive and speaking, what is one thing that they can do to accelerate that trust factor when they’re meeting somebody new?


Mitchell Levy  13:59

That’s interesting. Would you mind if I asked you give me a little bit more context of that meeting?


Karan Rhodes  14:05

Hmm, I’ll just like a…let’s see. Maybe an initial either networking meeting or maybe they’re at a business dinner, the team members that they haven’t met before, and they’re sitting seated next to a new team member, how can they start off conversations that would help that individual feel comfortable and feel that they are at least credible enough to explore further down the road?


Mitchell Levy  14:32

Oh,, love that. By the way. There’s a couple of things they did here. Yeah, we’re on a interactive podcast and you asked me a question, but there’s there’s…and you actually, the two examples you gave were so dramatically different. Right that I all I did is ask for confirmation. I’m comfortable enough with myself to go well, what what is really the question, because the question of meeting new people, and establishing trust is so much is different than meeting a new teammate.


Karan Rhodes  15:02

Yeah, you’re right. You’re absolutely right on that.


Mitchell Levy  15:05

If it’s a teammate, my assumption is so so let’s make a couple assumptions. My assumption, you’ve seen them, you’ve interacted with them, you’ve probably been on Zoom calls, but you’ve never met them in person, you know, the quality of the work they do. Right? So one of the easiest things to do is to when you mean it, and this is an introvert, if there’s something that person did you appreciate, just compliment them on it?


Karan Rhodes  15:34

Sure. Yeah, that’s right.


Mitchell Levy  15:36

And actually, and here’s a really cool part, if you could compliment on something they did, where they were a little bit more vocal than you would have been, what you could say is, you know, remember that meeting and you stood up or, you know, theoretically, raise your raise your hand in Zoom and stood up and said something, I was thinking the same thing. I’m so glad you did this. Because, you know, I’m a little bit of an introvert and I feel uncomfortable doing that. I’m so glad you did


Karan Rhodes  16:02

Love that.


Mitchell Levy  16:02

Well, that’s a two for one. Right?


Karan Rhodes  16:05

It is.


Mitchell Levy  16:05

You’ve helped them feel a little bit better, you’ve given them some recognition that they did the right thing. They may be sitting there going, Oh, my God, I can’t believe I did that. And at the same time, you’re letting them know that you’re an introvert, where their response could be hate. So am I Hey, we have something in common or, you know, so it’s my spouse, right. And so it then opens up an area of conversation. But you both have now entered a playground of conversation, that is not your typical playground a conversation.


Karan Rhodes  16:38

I love that. That is something I’ll use starting tomorrow. Because I’m always conscious about making sure that people are given the space to share if they like, and I’m not over the chart extrovert. And so I know that is intimidating to some that aren’t. And so I’m really conscious about pulling back a bit and not being overwhelming to others. So in hopes that that is an olive branch for them to share and knowing that I still would love to talk and collaborate. But maybe I’m thinking about it the wrong way. I don’t know,


Mitchell Levy  17:15

By the way, pointing at me extrovert, what would happen, let’s say when you’re in a meeting, right? Is being very, be very bold in your statement. Hey, listen, we’ve already heard from all the people who will feel comfortable all the extroverts that are out there, you know who you are. I now need to hear for them. People were really thinking about it. And let me be clear, if you’re thinking about it, and you’re not sure you’ve even given it enough thought yet. Why don’t we talk afterwards, let’s get time on the calendar where you can give me your opinion, because maybe you want to do it privately. And I’m really okay with that. I am bring out, I’m an extrovert, and I’m a type A personality and I make decisions like this. That doesn’t mean it’s the right way to do it. Right. It’s matter of fact, I know for sure that there’s somebody in this room, who’s introverted, who doesn’t act in the same way who needs a knife to process it. And there’s something valuable there. And I can’t tell you what’s valuable to me, I can tell you what’s valuable for you. And I need to hear from each of each and every one of you. Would you guys mind doing that?


Karan Rhodes  18:21

And who wouldn’t say, No, I don’t mind. Right? If you’ve set it up like that, I mean, that is just an open invitation to let them choose which they’re more comfortable with. So I love that approach. Absolutely.


Mitchell Levy  18:35

But if you think about this, as you’re now demonstrating respect, and you’re really creating this container of trust, the thing that’s interesting if you if you actually live in the 10 values of credibility and do it well, I’ve had people tell me, I’m completely wrong, and maybe feel about feel good about it. And vice versa. Right? And because, what, let’s be clear, it’s not they’re telling me they’re wrong, or that I’m sorry, they it’s not that they’re telling me I’m wrong, what they’re saying, typically, here’s the way we’re dark Mitchell, I don’t think the same way as you. This is the type of person and personality, it is for me. And for me, this is what it feels like from the thing you just did. Well, I could actually say to myself, Oh, my God, I can’t believe I did that. And I definitely did not want that intention. Oh, I could say, well, that’s a great point of view, I need to make sure I take that into consideration going forward. In either way. I am so proud of the relationship that we have with the other person and their ability to share. Yeah, that to me, is what good leadership was all about is allowing those in a room to really share their opinion without fear of reprisal or retribution or any of the silly stuff that happens in many companies.


Karan Rhodes  19:54

Right. No, absolutely. No, Mitchell. I know we don’t have time to go deep into your model, but just to be a teaser for those because I want them to definitely check you out and check out all your offerings and your speaking topics. Could you share what you mentioned at the beginning of the podcast about there was a belief of the model there. I think there were four things. You said that around credibility, that fine on your website, but I’d love to highlight like a 50,000 foot tees so that we can get people directed there to learn more.


Mitchell Levy  20:29

I’m going to, I’m going to take your question, and I’m going to add to it if you don’t mind,


Karan Rhodes  20:33

Okay. Please do.


Mitchell Levy  20:34

So, it’s, it is very easy for you to research what I do. And so it’s Mitchell Levy, or Find all the things. Watch the TEDx. TEDx is called, “We’re Losing our Humanity, and I’m Tired of Watching it Happen.”


Karan Rhodes  20:49



Mitchell Levy  20:50

What I want to say though, and this is slightly a vulnerable area for me is I spent a year focused on researching credibility. I spent three and a half years deploying credibility. Now I have to tell you something my wife told me, and I wanted to prove her wrong. And she was not. When I first started deploying credibility, she said something like this, Honey, do you realize that all business people think that they’re credible?


Karan Rhodes  21:18

They do. She’s right.


Mitchell Levy  21:22

I wanted to prove her wrong. And she’s right. And it’s sort of like the best way I could think about it. It’s sort of like selling ice cream to Eskimos. There are some Eskimos who go man, I love ice cream. Thanks. And most of them are going to say, hey, Mitchell, do you realize it’s cold here? Do you have any hot chocolate? Right. And so what happened when I was deploying credibility is I would always talk about credibility first in this and then the next thing I would talk about is clarity. And so about eight months ago, I realize that one of the things that happens when people talk about credibility, and they talk about how do you get credibility, one of the things that they all skip over is the most important thing, the place to start is clarity. And in the research, 98% of the thought leaders I spoke with did not have clarity in 10 words or less, could not articulate the playground they plan. And so I have now started off with clarity, as number one, and clarity and I’ll give you the formula and happy to you know, you go to my site, you can see a bunch more, but I’m going to give you the form, it’s very, very simple. Okay, laid out it. In 10 words or less, you are answering two questions. And we’ll put it in context. If you are a credible human, or you are a credible company, you are of service to others. So first question, Who do you serve? Now, when you say Who do you serve? It’s one two or three words. It’s not the plethora of different people you serve. So who? And the second is, from their perspective? What is the pain point they want to get over? Or fix? Or what is the pleasure point they want to reach? So if you don’t mind, and I call, I give this a name, I call it a C pop. It’s your Customer Point of Possibilities.


Karan Rhodes  23:13

Mmm. Love that.


Mitchell Levy  23:15

And I’ll tell you mine, and then what I’ll do is I’ll tell you somebody else’s. So you get a feeling of how this works. Okay, mine happens to be eight words. And so if you’re a leader, here’s what I want you to think about. Can you articulate your C pop in 10 words or less and when you then do that you’re you reside in a playground, you’ve defined your playground, the C pop is not about you. It’s about the playground. Do you plan when you do that, tell me more. You have incremental credibility, because you now are explaining things from within your playground.


Karan Rhodes  23:44

 And you’re building upon what you’re saying each and every time. Right?


Mitchell Levy  23:48



Karan Rhodes  23:49

I love that. okay.


Mitchell Levy  23:50

So, let me do two. This will take about two minutes, I’ll just do two, so you get a feeling


Karan Rhodes  23:54



Mitchell Levy  23:54

So for me, because I’m focused on clarity I needed and I needed to show an ROI for an audience, the audience I chose, whereas my executive coaching is with companies, CEOs between 10 and 100 million. But where I’m spending most of my energy on clarity is with coaches. So my CPAP coaches who’ve created a job, not a business, let me tell you a little bit more. So as a coach, what’s really fascinating is you’ve been trained in a methodology and there’s so many organizations that train a methodology so you can transform a business or an individual from A to B, but let me tell you something you haven’t been trained to. You haven’t been trained on business development. You haven’t been trained on how to have a steady business where where your referral partners are continuing to refer you that your clients are we recommending you. So we have a done with you program that helps the coach learn how to actually be an entrepreneur and as an entrepreneur, you need to run a business. So that was sort of a minute on me let me give you somebody else so it’s not this is one of my favorite students. her C pop which he would say is clients that are attracted to me. successful women heavy with regret.


Karan Rhodes  25:06

Oh, wow. That’s the deep.


Mitchell Levy  25:08

And you sit there and go five words, think about this five words. And you said, and you go, oh my god that’s deep. So let me do her, Tell me more how she says it. And she says, You know, I focus on this area, because this was me. I was married, had a child still married, still have a child, and very successful business and I was unhappy. And for years, I was unhappy. And I figured out what does it mean, and why was I unhappy? And how do we get to the point where I get to release my regret? Since then I’ve worked with over 250 successful women. And it’s something I love doing.


Karan Rhodes  25:41



Mitchell Levy  25:42

Think about how that tell me more was, what 40 seconds. And it’s not even told by the person with the direct passion. And think about how that landed. And as you’re thinking about, Oh, I know somebody, I need to recommend Mitchell, who was that person? Right?


Karan Rhodes  25:57

Let me connect them. Because I know


Mitchell Levy  25:59

That’s exactly what… being able to have clarity. What happens is it changes everything. So you’re you’re an executive, your leader, you’re running a company, can you articulate in seconds, you’ll see pop your customer point of possibilities.


Karan Rhodes  26:15

I love that when our firm teaches, and we’re our course we call. It’s not quite exactly that. But it’s similar. It’s like a sister play term. We call it their point of differentia, or their differentiating edge. So what is it that will attract the type of either business or work that you want to do, or to attract others to help you on your leadership effort, you’ve got to position it in a way that they instantly know they want to be a part of it. They have buy in, but it’s kind of the Sister, sister,


Mitchell Levy  26:56

Do you mind if I might, if I add to that, because it’s,


Karan Rhodes  26:58



Mitchell Levy  27:00

I would say that it sounds and we could play around and learn a little bit more off recording. It sounds like it adds, it’ll be part of the Tell me more. Because what happens is that first thing that differentiates you, you want to put it into a playground that doesn’t talk about you.


Karan Rhodes  27:17



Mitchell Levy  27:18

And if you could do that, then somebody says, I know people who who need to be there. I know companies that need to be there. And when you do your differentiation, they’re like, Yeah, you’re the one


Karan Rhodes  27:31

You’re the one. That’s right. You’re spot on. Wow, I blinked and it’s time is running near. But before we let you go, as you know, I wrote a book on leadership execution that was also based on research similar to your research that you’ve done. But we always love to ask our guests which one of the seven leadership tactics for them, and you were kind enough to share, leading with strategic decision making. And so for our audience out there as just a reminder, leading with strategic decision making is all around making great strategic decisions yourself, or leading a great decision making process with teams or people that you’re working with. So we’re just curious, Mitchell, curious minds want to know, why did leading with strategic decision making for you a bit?


Mitchell Levy  28:23

Well, so you were kind enough in the green room to tell me which one of the seven and it was somebody on my team who books me for podcasts, so she picked but is the right one, which I’m I have to compliment her on picking the right one.


Karan Rhodes  28:38

Yes. Please do.


Mitchell Levy  28:40

What’s interesting to me is when you have clarity, and you know the playground you’re playing, then the decisions become a lot easier. And particularly if you’re now showing respect, if you’re actually doing the like component of credibility, you’re showing respect, and you’re spreading cred dust. When you know the playground you’re playing and you can now gift and it is a gift. Think about the 78% of employees who are not engaged, right? The gift that you can give every employee is is allow them to be engaged and that is to help them define the playground they plan and then allow them to create the tools they use to play in the playground, don’t give them handcuffs. So if you could do that, all of a sudden, that does decisions are strategic by nature because they are in alignment with the playground, the the clarity you’ve created, and so it would be hard if I ranked ordered all your seven they all have some


Karan Rhodes  29:41

Oh,  they’re all equally as important. That’s what we say.


Mitchell Levy  29:43

Maybe the first maybe the first one. I don’t know about that. But but they all are really powerful, but giving the tools to your team that empower them to make strategic decisions in their areas or operate Shouldn’t you do that, and employee disengagement goes away.


Karan Rhodes  30:05

It sure does, there’s got to really help organizations crack that nut because it’s still, disengagement from what I’m reading is still very high. So I think both the work that we’re trying to do and the work that you’re doing Mitchell, hopefully that we’re making some progress on getting folks engaged, happy, feeling credible, and making their mark in the world and being 100% Human and bringing humanity back into the world. So that’s what I’m hoping for anyway. What about you?


Mitchell Levy  30:37

Or you just gave me shivers? Yes, those words exactly. Well done. Well said.


Karan Rhodes  30:43

Well, thank you so much, Michel, for being on the podcast episode today and giving us the gift of your time, I took two pages of notes really quick, you can definitely do that in 30 minutes. But I do encourage everybody to go to the show notes. And definitely get to your website, because there is so much information, you’ve got to listen to his TEDx talks, and they’re just absolutely fabulous. But thank you so much for being on the show today.


Mitchell Levy  31:10

Oh, my pleasure, my ability to see you and feel comfortable and for you to guide me on this on this call was great. I’m looking forward to what we do next.


Karan Rhodes  31:20

I am too!


Mitchell Levy  31:22

This is powerful, and pay attention.


Karan Rhodes  31:25

Awww. Thank you.


Mitchell Levy  31:26

Karan’s pretty amazing.


Karan Rhodes  31:27

Oh, thank you. You’re quite amazing, yourself, Mitchell. And our listeners, you’re amazing as well. Thank you so much. Also for the gift of your time and supporting the podcast. Please remember to subscribe and rate our show and to share with just one friend because by doing so, you’ll help them to also lead at the top of their game. Thanks again for listening, and we will see you next week. And that’s our show for today. Thank you for listening to the lead at the top of your game podcast, where we help you lead your seat at any employer, business, or industry in which you choose to play. You can check out the show notes, additional episodes, and bonus resources, and also submit guest recommendations on our website at You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn by searching for the name Karan Rhodes with Karan being spelled K a r a n. And if you like the show, the greatest gift you can give would be to subscribe and leave a rating on your podcast platform of choice. This podcast has been a production of Shockingly Different Leadership, a global consultancy which helps organizations execute their people, talent development, and organizational effectiveness initiatives on an on-demand, project, or contract basis. Huge thanks to our production and editing team for a job well done. Goodbye for now.

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