When I first started consulting and writing about developing about high potential talent (HIPO), I began noticing an interesting emotional trend in this highly valued segment of the employee population. As confident and gifted as they were, many HIPOs felt insecure and unsure about their true abilities. They were fearful of being considered “frauds” if their executive leaders discovered they were not as talented as initially perceived.
There is actually a term for this feeling of insecurity of high achieving professionals – The Impostor Syndrome.
High potential leaders grow and change throughout their career journey as a leader. They learn to evolve and mentally plow through bouts with the Imposter Syndrome. What’s even more powerful is they learn how to become better mentors by using their own struggles with the Impostor Syndrome as examples of how they faced adversity to become the brilliant leaders that they are today.
On my post on LinkedIn, “5 Signs That Your HIPO May Suffer From Impostor Syndrome”, I discuss more in-depth:
- how self-doubt can plague even the brightest professionals
- how high potential leaders frequently struggle with The Impostor Syndrome
- how a high potential’s direct manager can spot the signs when their HIPOs may be secretly struggling with insecurities
- how the level of their retention risk skyrockets if a HIPO’s Impostor Syndrome is not addressed appropriately
- example statements HIPOs make when they are secretly suffering from feelings associated with Impostor Syndrome
- how to help high potentials overcome their insecurities and develop into impactful leaders
- Need a great cross-industry development program for one of your HIPOs? Consider being one of our participating organizations. Learn more by joining a 30 minute info session HERE.
- Are you a people manager? Design a fabulous team meeting which combines professional development with fun!
- What is a High Potential Leadership Consultancy?
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