For Immediate Release
September 27, 2017

Media Contact:
Karan Ferrell-Rhodes
770-384-1103 –


 Leadership Accelerator helps next-gen leaders become “ready-now” to take on immediate leadership opportunities

(September 27, 2017) – Shockingly Different Leadership announced the launch of the enrollment period for the 2017-2018 E.P.I.C Leadership Accelerator (, a unique 5-month, cross-industry leadership program designed for high potential leaders who are being groomed to receive a larger role within their organization in 18 months or less.

The EPIC Leadership Accelerator is a cohort-based program, that includes assessments, workshops, mentorship, coaching, developmental components, networking, and real-world leadership labs (which provide a safe space for participants to hone their newly acquired skills without their current job performance being at risk). The 5-month experience culminates with a Capstone event, where participants articulate to executives in their home organization the highlights of their leadership growth during their time in the Accelerator.

Some unique factors the E.P.I.C. Leadership Accelerator Experience:

  • Participant organizations are based across the United States
  • Each participant co-hort will focus on an urgent business issue facing a partnering non-profit organization, thus helping thousands of underserved citizens while simultaneously developing their own leadership skills.
  • Participants have the rare opportunity to learn, grow, and network with top leaders from non-competing organizations.  Collaborating with peers who have diverse perspectives helps to prepare participants to lead in today’s global business environment.


“We are thrilled to partner with such a diverse group of companies each year, each of whom prioritize preparing their top leadership talent for their next great leadership adventure,” said Karan Ferrell- Rhodes, Director of Strategic Content for the E.P.I.C. Leadership Accelerator & Founder of Shockingly Different Leadership. “Our team does not take the trust that these organizations have placed in us lightly. The participants are key to their organization’s survival and we take immense pride in accelerating their collective wisdom and leadership acumen to help build stronger business, economic, and charitable communities in which we all live.”

Registration is now open for organizations who desire to sponsor a participant in this year’s Accelerator ( ).

Also, conference call information sessions are also currently being held for organizations desiring more detailed information about the requirements of the leadership experience. (

Early bird registration for the Accelerator ends April 15, 2017.  General registration ends May 31, 2017.

About EPIC Leadership Accelerator:

The EPIC Leadership Accelerator is the premiere cross-industry leadership development program dedicated to increasing the readiness of high potential leadership talent in organizations for roles of greater scope and responsibility.  It is where the most promising future leaders converge together to partner with peers who are also the best in their fields in order to accelerate their development of the 7 critical competencies o high potential/next-generation leaders.  Through the Accelerator, participants are able to get access to the people, content, and ideas that enable individuals and companies to win, grow, and make significant impact. For information on the current year’s program, visit

About Shockingly Different Leadership:

Shockingly Different Leadership, headquartered in Atlanta, GA, is a global high potential leadership development consultancy.  Its offerings and development experiences accelerate the ability of people and businesses around the world to increase their acumen in the areas of leadership effectiveness, individual performance, business growth, and leadership branding. To learn more, visit or follow us on Twitter via @ShockinglyD #EPICLeads


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