SDL’s Founder and CEO, Karan Ferrell-Rhodes, was recently featured on The Freedom Fridays podcast, speaking on the topic of Differentiated Leadership.
From the show notes:
This week Pete chats with Karan Ferrell-Rhodes who is the founder and CEO of Shockingly Different Leadership.
Of course, he asked about the genesis of the name and how they were shockingly different. Pete & Karan also explored the 7 differentiating leadership tactics based on the research from Karan’s book Lead At The Top of Your Game. The conversation weaved between imposter syndrome and intellectual horsepower, touching on such topics as intrapreneurship and being stakeholder savvy.
An informative listen for those keen to understand how to differentiate themselves.
Show Notes: Episode #65
Find Karan Ferrell-Rhodes: | LinkedIn/karan-rhodes | Instagram/shockinglydifferent
For more on Pete Clark, 21 Whispers: | Instagram/thewhispersguy | LinkedIn/peteclark21whispers

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SDL Press Team
The Freedom Fridays Podcast started as Pete Clark’s weekly experiment with time and focus. Where the aim was to reclaim Fridays and make them a day free from the constraints of work. The podcast has since evolved to become Pete’s weekly conversation with ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
We explore some of the big changes people have gone through and what’s helped the journey. The intention is to share as openly as possible some of the ingredients – the good, the bad, the ugly – that shape our shift from ‘I have to’ into ‘I choose to’.
The lessons are hiding in open sight within the conversation – it’s up to you how you apply them.
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