Let us help you design and implement ongoing development for leadership program alumni OVERVIEW You have invested significant time and resources in providing robust development programs for your top employee talent. However, when the formal portion of...
Welcome to the The MicroLeadership ChallengeA real-world leadership lab accelerator that proves its ROI by converting leadership potential into leadership-in-action! Schedule a Conversation to Get a Free Quote Helping individuals become better at leading teams and...
We help build more effective, tailored and individually-relevant onboarding programs! OVERVIEW The Onboarding Problem: According to Fortune magazine, about 40 percent of executives who change roles or get promoted fail in the first 18 months. While a number of...
Strengthen your leadership bench strength by identifying the right people for the right roles OVERVIEW Every leader is an interim leader. Do you have a “ready-now” succession replacement? Leadership development, succession planning and leader onboarding are...
A cross-industry development experience for high potential leadership talent OVERVIEW Are you accountable for developing & retaining your high-potential talent and next generation leaders? If so, enroll them in the next offering of the E.P.I.C. Leadership...
Welcome to Shockingly Different Leadership! We are a human capital professional services firm which provides organizations consulting expertise in the areas of Talent Development, Organizational Development, and Human Resources – on an on-demand, project, or flexible basis.